Larimar Love

This blog is dedicated to the love of Larimar - a tranquil semi-precious pectolite found only in the Dominican Republic. We sell Larimar jewelry for fun and profit. Larimar is generally not very well known in the USA but better known in Europe. Afterall, 85% of tourism to the Dominican Republic is European. The Dominican Republic is so close to the US but relatively few Americans enjoy the all-inclusive deals available in the DR. BUY LARIMAR NOW

Monday, May 16, 2005

More info about Larimar

Larimar (Pectolite) Facts, Information and Description

Larimar is a rare form of pectolite, which was discovered in the 1970's and is only found in the Dominican Republic. It has an extraordinary blue appearance similar to the color of the ocean in tropical areas. Hardness varies between 5-7 on the Mohs scale with the darker blue stones ranging closer to 7.

The name "Larimar" comes from a combination of Larissa and Mar and was given to the stone by a Dominican who named the stone after his daughter Larissa and Mar, the Spanish word for sea.

This unique Caribbean gemstone sometimes may be mistaken for turquoise.

Folklore, Legend, Healing Properties:

Its powers are believed to helps us to view events from a different perspective; it softens, enlightens and heals in a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual way.

Larimar stimulates the heart, throat, third eye and crown chakras facilitating inner wisdom and outer manifestation. It represents peace and clarity radiating healing and love energy. It is recommended for people who are stressed.


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