Larimar Love

This blog is dedicated to the love of Larimar - a tranquil semi-precious pectolite found only in the Dominican Republic. We sell Larimar jewelry for fun and profit. Larimar is generally not very well known in the USA but better known in Europe. Afterall, 85% of tourism to the Dominican Republic is European. The Dominican Republic is so close to the US but relatively few Americans enjoy the all-inclusive deals available in the DR. BUY LARIMAR NOW

Sunday, May 15, 2005

the story of Larimar

  • Hardness: about 7
  • Specific gravity: 2.74 - 2.88
  • Spot refractive index reading: 1.60
What is larimar? Larimar is a rare and beautiful gemstone that has been found in only one location on earth. The stone varies in color from green to blue - it resembles the clear blue waters of the Caribbean Sea.

The region: The one place on earth where this stone is found is a remote part of the southwestern region of the Dominican Republic.

A brief history: In 1974 a Peace Corps volunteer, Norman Rilling accompanied by a Dominican, Miguel Méndez, found the blue stones on the coast of Barahona. They followed the Bahoruco river upstream until they reached an outcrop at Los Chupaderos.

The mining process: Larimar is created deep inside volcanic mountains. Excavation is done by native Dominicans with the assistance of simple, primitive tools.

Refining the rocks: This process consists of many stages, first the raw material must be sorted - not all the rocks from the mine are suitable for jewelry. Next they are cut into pieces and classified according to size, color and form. Continuing the transformation the stones are shaped then polished and finally mounted onto the jewelry by a goldsmith/silversmith.


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